Due to changes at the hospitals, closed play rooms, single use toys mandatory, there is an increased need for specialty toys and items for children currently admitted. In addition to keeping up with Bag requests Bags of Fun Omaha delivered 255 new toys to the Nebraska Medical center! One of our heroes, Child life specialist Holly A Vander Pol, greeted us at the entrance where we overfilled a cart with toys!
Initially starting out at as one-person operation out of her home, Amy Krause began her journey in September of 2019. Thanks to our generous community partners, Angels Among Us, Fat Brain Toys, The Salah Foundation, Charles E. Lakin Foundation, Children’s Hospital and Medical Center, MDRT Foundation, and Nebraska Medicine and the support of the Denver Chapter in getting up and running Amy was able to deliver 114 bags to children in Omaha over the course of the year.
All funds raised in Nebraska – STAY IN NEBRASKA.
The pandemic presented some challenges and hiccups, but the need still exists, and Amy persevered in delivering Hope, Smiles and the Power of Play to isolated children and families.
Please follow us on Facebook , Instagram and watch for more emails on our upcoming fundraisers and ways that you can support Bags of Fun Omaha.